Elections 2024 Update - Extremists Held at Bay
2024’s election rollercoaster continued last week, with three crucially important elections in the UK, France, and Iran. Prior to election day, there were widespread concerns that extreme parties would see their influence rise, particularly in the two European nations after a strong showing in European Parliament elections and the first round of voting in France, as well as opinion polls showing rising support for Britain’s far-right Reform Party.
It Is High Time to Engage North Korea
The status quo in inter-Korean relations is a disaster in the making. Seoul and Washington must do what they can to improve relations with Pyongyang. The alternative is to do nothing and drift into an even more serious crisis as North Korea further builds up its nuclear and missile capabilities.
How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Change the Supply Chain and Human Trafficking Landscape
In the fight against modern slavery, Artificial Intelligence (AI) now has increasing importance with its potential to improve accuracy and efficiency in the detection, monitoring, and prevention efforts of mitigating human trafficking, writes Charity Morsey. Additionally, AI has the potential to improve supply chain transparency and traceability, which aids in preventing slave labor and human trafficking.
A World Historical Perspective on the War in Ukraine and the China-Taiwan Standoff
Amidst prolonged conflicts in Ukraine and rising tensions in the Taiwan Strait, this article discusses the return of autocratic imperialism in Russia and China and their challenges to the post-World War II international order. Ultimately, the author, James Jongsoo Lee, Senior Managing Director at Brock Securities and Center Associate at Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, calls for democratic nations to unite, expand alliances, and adapt to effectively counter these autocratic challenges.
Putin, Prigozhin, and the Perils of Privatizing Political Violence via Proxy
The passing of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Russia's Evro Polis, known as "Wagner," marks the poignant conclusion to a series of events initiated in June by the Wagner offensive targeting the Russian capital. Gain insights from Ibrahim Al-Marashi, an Associate Professor specializing in Middle East history at Cal State San Marcos, as he provides his commentary on this matter.
Sport’s Diplomacy and the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup
Sports continue to positively drive economic development and community resilience throughout the world. The Pacific Council asked Australian Consul-General in Los Angeles Jane Duke and New Zealand Consul-General in Los Angeles Jeremy Clarke-Watson a few questions to learn more about the ever-growing field of sports diplomacy and how we might have seen it in practice at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup.
U.S. Legislators and the public are reconsidering TikTok for its potential security risks and adverse effects on youth. America’s teens are the primary users of TikTok. Two high school students, Raunak Mondal and Inara Woodrum, present their views and those of their peers as they argue why TikTok should or should not be banned and how it could be reformed.
Women. Life. Freedom.
Nikki Sadat, an International and Global Studies student at Middlebury College and Pacific Council Summer Fellow, examines the women-led protests reflecting the frustration of the Iranian people and the international support it has spurred.
California’s Forgotten: Missing Indigenous Women
Nikki Sadat, an International and Global Studies student at Middlebury College and Pacific Council Summer Fellow, investigates the devastating epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women across California and the nation.
The War on Women: Afghanistan Under the Taliban
On August 15, 2021, Kabul fell to the Taliban — and with it, the devastating elimination of women’s liberties began, writes Nikki Sadat, an International and Global Studies student at Middlebury College and Pacific Council Summer Fellow.

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