Pacific Council Pacific Council

Weaponizing the climate crisis

Climate change has been described as a “threat multiplier,” as opposed to a direct, causal source of societal conflicts, civil war, or terrorism. Nevertheless, armed groups will capitalize on fluctuations caused by extreme climate events and ensuing vulnerabilities to further their goals, writes Ibrahim al-Marashi.

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Pacific Council Pacific Council


The matter of freedom of expression polarizes Mexican society. For some, beginning with the President, one now breathes an air of freedom without compare. And, of course, there is no doubt that President López Obrador employs and exploits his pulpit fully and freely. For others, however, the way that the President leads is nothing other than by the permanent intimidation of those whom he terms “adversaries,” writes Dr. Luis Rubio

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Pacific Council Pacific Council

Peru’s election of Pedro Castillo: from fragmentation to polarization—or perhaps centrist reform?

On June 6, Peruvians went to the polls to choose between two candidates who represented extreme positions in the country’s second-round presidential runoff. This polarizing choice—between the potentially authoritarian right and an empowered, socialist left led one analyst consulted for this piece to refer to the options as being akin to the “the precipice and the abyss,” writes Jane S. Jaquette and Dr. Abraham F. Lowenthal

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