Pictured, from left to right, are: Jerrold D. Green, Cynthia Telles, and Mayor Eric Garcetti
When asked to describe the values and mission of the Pacific Council, words and phrases like informed citizenship, public service, local-to-global, and impact lead the list. A special illustration of the salience of these values occurs every four years with the changing of the presidential guard in Washington. Many of our fellow members are offered positions in the incoming administration while veterans of the prior administration gradually make their way back to Los Angeles from Washington.
Throughout our 26-year history, Pacific Council members have served with distinction in both Republican and Democratic administrations across a broad array of agencies. At the Council we closely track this movement, and we are deeply committed to providing a voice to our own Southern California community via our serving members both within the United States Government and around the world.
The most recent and positive exemplar of this process at work is the nomination of Dr. Cynthia Telles, a deeply engaged member of our Board of Directors, as Ambassador to Costa Rica; and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, a Pacific Council member and Council collaborator, supporter, and speaker, as Ambassador to India. Once confirmed, Dr. Telles and Mayor Garcetti will join a distinguished line of Council members who have served the president including as Secretary of State, National Security Adviser (2), U.S. Trade Representative, as well ambassadors to ASEAN, Argentina (2), Australia, Austria, China, the European Union, Finland, France (2), Germany, Hungary, the International Civil Aviation Organization, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, Uruguay, and other posts around the world.
When our members represent our country overseas, they also represent those of us living in Southern California. They are often accompanied by family members, and when they return home they bring a lifelong tie between the place where they served and Los Angeles. In short, having our members serve in these high-level positions is a gift that keeps on giving.
One tradition that has come to characterize the Pacific Council is our high-level delegations where we meet with our members at post who are serving as ambassadors around the world. They are inevitably happy to host their fellow members as representatives of their “hometown,” and their local contacts are always happy to meet. As citizen diplomats we always take great pride in seeing one of our own representing not only the United States, but also Los Angeles around the world.
The Council is proud to have other members under consideration for high-level positions across the United States government. There are also members already serving in the White House plus others in different agencies.
In short, informed and good citizenship, public service, local-to-global, and impact are thriving values at the Pacific Council. And to our fellow members, Cynthia and Eric, we wish smooth confirmation hearings and every success in their new assignments. Your fellow Council members are standing by to help and support you as needed as well as to welcome you home to Los Angeles at the completion of your service. We look forward to seeing you in San Jose and New Delhi.
Dr. Jerrold D. Green
President and CEO
Pacific Council on International Policy