Pacific Council Pacific Council

Why Haiti can’t get the new beginning it needs

Generations-long American meddling isn’t making it easier for Haitians to build a functioning democracy writes Amy Wilentz professor in the literary journalism program at UC Irvine and a 2020 Guggenheim fellow.

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Pacific Council Pacific Council

POLICY paper: Climate Sustainability and City Diplomacy

The numerous climate and sustainability crises of the last decade exemplify a clear local-to-global link that calls for strong relationships between major cities and leaders across diverse sectors of business, technology, academia, politics, culture, and communications.

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Pacific Council Pacific Council

The legacy of Desmond Tutu and his fight against climate apartheid

To honour Tutu's memory, climate leaders, scientists, and activists not only have to address climate apartheid on a global level, but a local one as well, writes Ibrahim Al Marashi associate professor at the Department of History, California State University, San Marcos.

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Pacific Council Pacific Council

Local Governments Are Foreign Policy Actors, Too

Nina Hachigian, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, argues that breaking down the silos between foreign and domestic policy will make international affairs more relevant for middle-class Americans.

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Pacific Council Pacific Council

Israel's Nuclear Option Against Iran

The longer that US nuclear negotiations with Iran remain stalled, the more Iranian centrifuges will continue to spin, adding to the pressure on Israel to take matters into its own hands writes Bennet Ramberg

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